1. MYOB Acumatica Knowledge Base
  2. Two-factor authentication (2FA)

2FA error: "Looks like you're ready to use Secure Authentication!"

"Looks like you're ready to use Secure Authentication! Just log into Advanced as normal and associate your account via the User Profile screen."

If you get this error (or one with similar wording), it means you have an MYOB 2FA account, but the account is not associated with your MYOB Acumatica user profile. To fix this, you need to associate them.

Looks like youre ready to use secure authentication

  1. Sign in to MYOB Acumatica using the green Sign In button.

    If this doesn't work, click the link below the error message: "Click here if you would like to sign out of Secure Authentication". Then, try the green Sign In button again.

  2. In the top right, click your username and then click My Profile. The User Profile screen opens.

    Go to my profile-1
  3. On the General Info tab, check the email address is correct. If it isn’t your own work email address, see Which email address to use with MYOB 2FA. MYOB 2FA does not work with shared email addresses.

  4. On the External Identities tab, select the row with MYOB in the Provider Name column by clicking anywhere in the row.

    Click anywhere in the MYOB row
  5. Click Associate User.
    Click associate user

After associating, you can sign in with 2FA by clicking the purple Secure Authentication button.

Your 2FA password might be different to your MYOB Acumatica password. See resetting passwords.