Adding a generic inquiry as a screen for the portal users to see

This page is for MYOB Acumatica consultants

Check all changes in a test environment before taking them live. Make sure all related features still work as expected and that your data is unaffected.

This article is about adding a custom generic inquiry for portal users to see.

  1. Log in to the Customer Portal using a user with the “Portal Admin” role.
  2. Go to the Generic Inquiry screen, select a Generic Inquiry that you would like the Portal User to see. Ensure “Make Visible via UI” is ticked. Notice that by default, the system generates a Screen ID that starts with “GI000xxx”:
  3. Go to the Portal Map screen, navigate to the Generic Inquiry that you created in step 2, and rename the Screen ID to something that starts with “SP” – in this example I’m using SP204005:
  4. Go to the Access Rights by Roles screen and ensure the Portal User role has access to the screen that we just created:
  5. Edit Menu and add the screen into the workspace:
  6. When the portal user logs in, they can see the screen and view the GI: