Adding email to the Customer Generic Inquiry (How To add a field to a GI)

This page is for MYOB Acumatica consultants

Check all changes in a test environment before taking them live. Make sure all related features still work as expected and that your data is unaffected.

This knowledge base article guides you through the process of adding an email address to a generic inquiry.

To follow the instructions here, you will need the Customiser Role for your User. If you do not have this, please consult your implementation team.

Please note, these instructions are given as an example of how to add an extra field to a Generic Inquiry, and how to know what you need to add.

  1. Open the screen you want to customise.
    screenshot of Customers inquiry AR3030PL
    In this case, we've decided to change the Customers Generic Inquiry to add the Email Address for a Customer so we can see it dierectly/search easier.
  2. Open the screen you want to get information from, in this case, we click on a Customer to open the Customer screen (AR303000)
    Screenshot of the Customers screen AR303000
  3. After opening the screen use Inspect Element (Either select from the Customisation Menu, or hold Ctrl + Atl) and select the field you want. In this case, we're selecting "Account Email"
    Element Properties for the Account Email field
  4. From the Element Properties we need to figure out:
    1. The Data Class, this should tell us which kind of Table/DAC (Data Access Class) the information is in. (This is used for the TABLES of the Generic Inquiry)
    2. The View Name, this should tell us the Relationship between the DACs we are looking to combine. (This is used for the RELATIONS of the Generic Inquiry)
    3. The Data Field, this should tell us the actual field we want to display on screen. (This is used for the RESULTS GRID of the Generic Inquiry)
  5. Go back to the Generic Inquiry screen (AR3030PL) and use the Customisation menu to Edit Generic Inquiry

  6. In the Tables tab, select the Customer table and choose "Add Related Table"
    If you are on an older version, you may not have Add Related Table. In this case you'll need to choose manually from the list.
  7. Using the Related Table list, scroll until you find the right version of Contact to Add. This will let you choose the Contact Table, and show hints on the correct joins.
  8. After you've selected the Related Table, you can use Add to add it to the inquiry.
  9. If you used the Related Table method, the Relations tab is already filled in. If not, you will need to add the relationship yourself.

    Notes on adding relationships:
    1. JOINS are an important part of querying data, and there are many guides on the Internet for the best joins to use. The important things to remember are:
      1. LEFT joins are slower, but will return a Row as long as there is a record on the left side.
      2. INNER joins are faster, but will only return a Row if there is data on both sides.
    2. Because of the above, you should always use an INNER JOIN where you can. In this case, Every Customer will ALWAYS have a Default Contact holding their address information, so you can safely use INNER. (If you used the Related Tables feature, this will have been done automatically for you)
  10. Go to the RESULTS GRID tab and add the Email field to the bottom of the list.
    1. The Object is the "Contact" table we added earlier
    2. The Data Field is the "EMail" field from the Contact list.
  11. If you want to be able to use the Quick Search Function, on your new field, please see the following help article: Quick search for generic inquiries


Congratulations! You're done, you can now save your Inquiry, and view the results.