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  3. MYOB Acumatica Professional Services Edition

Amount billed doesn't match the WIP amount

This page is about troubleshooting a bill that doesn't match the expected amount of WIP over the billing period.

Check the bill for adjustments

If your bill doesn't match your WIP, open the bill and check if there is a value in the Adjustments field. An adjustment indicates that the bill has been modified after pulling through the WIP.

Adjustments can be to the Quantity, Price, or even the Ext. Price.

If there has been an adjustment applied incorrectly, reverse the bill to reallocate the WIP, then create the bill again.

More help with billing

For help creating invoices, see Processing AR Invoices in the MYOB Advanced online help, or for more troubleshooting see the MYOB Advanced Business support knowledgebase.