API licenses information

This page is for MYOB Acumatica consultants

Check all changes in a test environment before taking them live. Make sure all related features still work as expected and that your data is unaffected.

This knowledgebase article provides an explanation on the types of API licenses that come with the MYOB Acumatica product. There are two API licences in MYOB Acumatica:

  • Paid API licence – as known as Full Access API - when the customer purchases one Full Access API license (Paid), they will receive 100 license entitlements.
  • Free API licence – as known as Full User API (or Limited API license previously)

API licence types

With MYOB Acumatica, we have two different types of API licence - a free licence and a paid licence. These licences are created to allow 3rd party software to log in, and perform any normal API tasks using the API interface. The login used for this is different to a normal licence which is used for customers to access data through the website (such as Full User, Warehouse User, and other types of limited licences). In terms of accessibility, there is no difference between the free licence and the paid licence. Both licences have the ability to:

  • Have access to the MYOB Acumatica system which is only limited by User Roles
  • Have a number of concurrent logins allowed with the same user credentials

The main difference between the Paid licence and the Free licence is that the Paid licence allows you to have an unlimited number of calls on a monthly basis, whereas the Free licence only allows for a maximum of 1500 calls per day to be made.

When to get a paid licence

For any business critical integrations or if you have more than one integrations, we recommend you use the paid license. The limited license should only be used for light integrations that result in occasional reporting or testing purposes. We also recommend for each individual integration, lock down the API license to give access permissions to the 3rd party developer based on what that specific integration needs (via role management).

Comparison between the paid free API licenses

Type Chargeable Capability

Full User (API), also known as Limited User API


  • 1500 Calls per day
  • Concurrent logins are allowed subject to reasonable use
  • Full API access to all the areas of the system
  • It is restricted to a single named user

Full User (Full API), Full Access API


  • Unlimited calls per day
  • Concurrent logins are allowed
  • It is also a named user (Multiple named users are allowed)
  • The default Full User API license comes with upto 100 entitlements. Each license count will be utilized as a named user i.e. you can have upto 100 named API users.

API requests

An API request is basically a query to MYOB Acumatica to search, retrieve, update, delete and create new entities in MYOB Acumatica Business. A single HTTP request of any type(POST, PUT, GET, DELETE), regardless of the payload, counts as a request. The following types of actions broadly create an API request:

  • POST –to log in and log out of a site
  • GET -  to search and retrieve entities defined in the endpoint
  • PUT – To create new entities or update existing ones
  • DELETE – to delete existing entities

API request examples


GET request returns 50 records This counts as 1 API request
Your search is specific and only returns single product This constitutes as 1 request. If you make 200 of such requests, that will amount to 200 requests.


Your single PUT request to update/create contains 50 products and it runs 10 times every month 1 batch x 10 updates/month = 10 requests per month
6 batches of 100 products (600 products in total) being updated 10 times every month

6 batches x 10 updates/month = 60 requests


Deleting 40 products. Since Deletion is per record, this action will result in 40 requests being made.


Login 1 API request
Logout 1 API request

Polling (to check if something has changed in system)

Request every minute to see if a record has changed 1 GET Request x 60minutes x 24 hours = 1440 requests