Display company-specific information on reports

This page is for MYOB Acumatica consultants

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It is a very common scenario that during your implementation, the customer requires to have their report printed with different information based on what branch or company the report is run. For example, a customer might have multiple companies, each company has a different cash account and therefore, they would like their Invoice/Memo report to contains the bank account details specific only to that company. This knowledgebase article will show you how this can be done.

Build 2021.117.400.6951 [21.117.0037] onward.

  1. Go to the Companies screen, select a company, and click on Notes. Enter the details specific to this company that you would like to show on the report:

  2. In the report, to bring the data that you just entered for the Company, simply use the expression: =[MYOrg.NoteText]

  3. When the report is run, the information on the record note will display like below: