Editable Unit Cost option not ticked in purchase receipts

This page is for MYOB Acumatica consultants

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Build 2021.117.400.6951 [21.117.0037] onward.

This page is about the issue where the Unit Cost field is greyed out when entering a purchase receipt, and the Editable Unit Cost field on the Purchase Receipt screen is unticked. The screen looks like this:


There are two factors that dictate the status of the “Editable Unit Cost” field, and they are:

  • If the purchase order line has retainage or inclusive taxes applied, the Editable Unit Cost check box is cleared in the corresponding purchase receipt line.
  • If the purchase order line does not have retainage or inclusive taxes applied, the Editable Unit Cost check box is selected in the corresponding purchase receipt line.

For example, this Tax ID was on the Purchase Order:


And the setting of the Tax is inclusive:


Therefore, when the Purchase Receipt was created from the Purchase Order, the “Editable Unit Cost” field was unticked, and the users are not able to edit the Unit Cost.