Email template for contacting MYOB Accounts team to request additional Bankfeed Owners

This page is for MYOB Acumatica consultants

Check all changes in a test environment before taking them live. Make sure all related features still work as expected and that your data is unaffected.

When applying for bank feeds, the first step is to make sure you have the correct staff added as bank feed owners with MYOB.

While there is a button for Authorising Bank Feed Owners in the Users screen, if emailing is not fully configured for a site (for example, because the site has not yet finished the implementation phase, or because there is no automation schedule to send emails from the system email account in question) then this email may not be sent/received.

To confirm that the appropriate staff have been configured as bank feed owners, we recommend sending an email to our accounts team, a useful template for this is below.

Email to:

Subject: Please add Bank Feeds Admin User to MYOB ACUMATICA Client / confirm current bank feed admin users.

Hi Admin team,

Our customer:         <Customer Name>
Contract ID:       <Contract from Phoenix>
Customer ID:     <CustomerID from Phoenix>

Has MYOB Acumatica Business with the domain name:  <Domain Name here>

And is looking to apply for Bank feeds.

Please add the following email address(es) as (a) Bank Feeds Admin(s):

Client Contact Name:      <Name of User to be added>
Client Role with Company:   <Role of User>
Client Email Address for 2FA/My.Dot login:   <Email Address associated with MYOB Acumatica User>


And send us back the list of all currently authorized Bank Feed Admin for the account once this has been actioned.


 If this has already been requested using the “Authorize Admin” button in MYOB Acumatica, please indicate the date and time, and which user was requested, so we can follow up with our systems.

Please note:
This has already been requested via the in-product buttons at the following time(s):