Error: "Sequence contains more than one element" when processing a pay

The error “Sequence contains more than one element” can appear when clicking the Process button or importing timesheet information on the Pay Run Details (MPPP3120) form.

The error “Sequence contains more than one element” can appear when clicking the Process button or importing timesheet information on the Manage Pays (MPPP4110) form.

In both cases, the error is caused by an employee who has the same pay group twice on the Pay Details (MPPP2310) form. This occurs most frequently when an employee is rehired or gets a raise, or when you want to keep a record of the employee’s historical pay rates.

An employee can have multiple pay groups, but they can’t have the same pay group twice.

Fixing the "Sequence contains more than one element" error

To fix the error you need to find the employee with the duplicate pay group and update their pay details.

  1. Find the employee with the duplicate pay group.

    • This is likely to be an employee who has recently been rehired or had a change in pay rate.

    • If you can’t find the employee, go to the Pay Groups (MPPP2710) screen, export your pay group details to excel, then find the employee listed twice.

  2. Go to Pay Details > Pay Groups and find the duplicate pay group.

  3. Remove the duplicate pay group.

    • Delete one entry.

    • Update the other to remove the Expiry Date, and change the Effective Date to match their latest stint of employment (if they’re a rehire).

  4. If you want to record the employee’s historical pay rate, click Notes and enter the details there.