Error: "Superannuation Member ID missing" when processing a pay

The error "Superannuation Member ID missing" error can occur when clicking Process Pay on the Pay Run Details (MPPP3120) screen

The error "Superannuation Member ID missing" on the Pay Run Details (MPPP3120) form occurs when trying to process a pay for an employee who doesn't have a member number entered against their super fund. This is usually a new employee.

To continue processing the pay run you need to find the missing ID and re-enter it.

Fixing the "Superannuation Member ID missing" error

  1. Go to Pay Details (MPPP2310) and select the employee with a missing superannuation member ID.
    • This will usually be a new employee, or possibly one who has recently changed super funds.
    • If there are a few possibilities, check each one separately.
  2. Open the Standard Pays tab, and select the row for the employee's super fund.
  3. Enter the employee's Member ID and save the record.
  4. Process the pay run again, according to the Status of the failed pay:
    • Initialising: Cancel the pay run and re-create it.
    • Error: Select the pay run and click Recalculate Pay.