Features comparison for Field Service Technician, Employee and Employee Self Service Function People User License.

Build 2021.117.400.6951 [21.117.0037] onward.

MYOB Acumatica comes with a variety of User License types. Each User License type allows user to access different areas and features of the system. Below is the comparison chart between the three common User License types for employees to help you make decision on what license type best suit the users’ needs:


Field Service Technician User

Employee User

Employee Self Service Function  User




No – It’s part of payroll employee license

Feature access

Task Activities and Events  

Task Activities and Events  

Contact Details

Inbox and Email processing

Inbox and Email processing

Employment Details



Pay Distribution

Expense Claims

Expense Claims


Document Management

Document Management


Mobile Access

Mobile Access

Leave Requests

Approvals Notifications

Approvals Notifications

Leave Balances

Create Purchase Orders

Create Purchase Orders

Projected Leave Balance

Service Orders

Employee Calendar

Service Quotes

Team Calendar

Route Service Orders

Mobile Access
