Fixing common pay run errors



How to fix it

Employee[ <EmployeeCD>]: Reduction of X units from available Y will produce negative value on payitem[<PayItemCD<Pay item description>], please adjust the leave units to keep this payment balanced.

Reduce the units taken for leave.

Employee [<EmployeeCD>]: Doesn't have enough earned balance for the [<ENTITLEMENTCD <<Ent description>], please reduce the leave value or change the setting of paid /taken in advance option under Entitlement screen.

Either tick the “Entitlement may be paid/taken in advance” checkbox or perform an entitlement adjustment.

Entitlement [<entitlement id>] cannot rollover more than once in this pay for the employee with a termination date: [Date that Entered]

Ensure that the termination is created in a pay period closer to the calendar time of the termination event.


Termination's Last day of employment must be equal to or greater than employment start date.

Change the termination date in the termination date. The same day as the employee start date is valid.

Termination pay item(s) Calculated Value is understated. Please check the Termination pay item's Taxation setting is 'Extra Pay'.

Set the taxation treatment to Taxable: Extra Pay.

Employee [<employee id>]: Details within the CHANGES section of the [<entitlement id>] Entitlement screen are not supplied.

You need to set up entitlement rules.

For New Zealand annual leave, the entitlement should include a valid row in the Changes section.

For other leave types, the data in “Accrued from” is used for entitlement calculations.

Employee [<employee id>]: ATO Tax Scale [<tax scale>] cannot be used without providing a valid Tax File Number (TFN)

Enter a tax file number (TFN) for the tax codes 1, 2, 3, 5 or 6.

Employee [<Employee ID>]using WT tax code and KiwiSaver pay items are assigned which is not supported, remove Kiwisaver pay items.

Employees who choose to opt into KiwiSaver

Contractors who appear on your employer monthly schedule (e.g., employees with the WT tax code) are considered self-employed for KiwiSaver purposes. Do not automatically enrol them. If they’re eligible for KiwiSaver they can opt in, but only with a scheme provider.

Employee [<employee id>]: The setup of Accrual pay item [<pay item ID>] and linked entitlement [<entitlement ID>] causing error , please remove pay item [<pay item ID>] from the ACCRUAL BASE ITEMS section of [<entitlement ID>] entitlement."

Do not link the pay item or entitlement which are referencing each other which cause calculation issues.

Employee <<Employee ID>> pay item <<Pay item ID>> calculated value varies from the requested deduction, the variation code is required.

Enter the variation code on employee’s current pay pay item footer. When the calculated value varies from the requested deduction, the variation code is required.

NoAccrualValuesForEntitlement :

Accrual Rate Values for Full Contract / Pro Rata entitlement not supplied.

New Zealand – Entitlement accrual pay items linked to an annual leave entitlement must be set to Full Contract Accrual. Pro rata and explicit methods aren’t supported.

ESCT_Rate_Does_Not_Exist : For Employee (109) the ESCT rate 39% is not available in the 2021 Financial Year

New Zealand – The ESCT rate 39% is not supported for 2020-2021 financial year.