How to copy reports between MYOB Acumatica sites

This page is for MYOB Acumatica consultants

Check all changes in a test environment before taking them live. Make sure all related features still work as expected and that your data is unaffected.

Sometimes you may want to copy a customised report between 2 MYOB Acumatica Sites.

When copying reports between sites, you need to make sure that:

  1. Any Customisations that the report refers to are in both sites. (To prevent errors with missing fields)

  2. That the Sites have the same DACs available. (As DACs are changed occasionally during upgrades, 2 sites on different versions of MYOB Acumatica may not have all of the same DAC fields available. In that case, you may need to recustomise the report for the other version.)

Copying reports between MYOB Acumatica SItes is easy:

  1. Have the "Report Designer" User Permission assigned to you. This is done from the Users screen (SM201010)

  2. Go to the "Download MYOB Acumatica Tools" screen (FILEGETTER) to get the latest version of the Report Designer that matches your version of MYOB Acumatica.

  3. Open the Report you want to copy in MYOB Acumatica by navigating to it.

  4. When you're using a User with the correct permissions, you will see the "Edit Report" button and the Report versions tab, per the below screenshot:

    image2021-12-22 11_59_59
  5. Press EDIT REPORT to download a .RPS file.

  6. Opening the .RPS file you just downloaded using the Report Designer you downloaded earlier will prompt you to log in:

    image2021-12-22 12_1_23
  7. From the File menu select Save To Server

  8. Enter the appropriate Website, Login, Password and Version Description for the report you are saving. I always recommend using "Save as New Version" to make sure the original version is still available if needed.

    image2021-12-22 12_29_50

There are two types of Report Designer files.

A .RPS file is a direct link to an MYOB Acumatica Site, and really just says "Go open the current report from the website"

A .RPX file is a local copy of a report saved to your computer. If you are working on customising a report, you will probably end up with a few local .RPX copies