Known issues: MYOB Acumatica Professional Services

Current issues affecting MYOB AcumaticaProfessional Services

Check this page for the status of issues related to MYOB Acumatica Professional Services. If your issue isn't listed here, check the rest of the knowledge base then create a support request if you need to.

For other MYOB Acumatica known issues, see:

Error adding an association on Clients screen

31/08/23 - Under investigation - #CE00040799

On the Clients screen (AR3030PL), association tab. If trying to add an Association which is a shared contact users may encounter an error - Error: Unhandled exception has occurred in the function MoveNext

Workaround - Remove the shared contact and then add Business Account in the top left corner of the clients screen and then can save the contact in the Association tab.

Error running project billing

31/08/23 - Under investigation - #CE00040799

Occasionally when running Project Billing an error may appear - The transaction associated with this command is not the connection’s active transaction, However looking on at the Invoices tab of the Project there are two invoices created. One without WIP and one with WIP

Workaround – Delete the duplicate invoice (the one which has no WIP)

Negative credit memo created instead of an invoice

28/02/24 - Under investigation - #CE00045564

Parent Project with upfront fee, when running Project Billing a negative credit memo is created instead of an invoice. Unable to release documents

Workaround - For help with this issue, create a support request and include reference #CE00045564 in the summary.

Separate invoices and credit memos created

15/11/23 - Under investigation - #CE00042726

When running Project Billing on Parent Project it separates negative and positive entries for the WIP Allocation. Resulting in the creation of 1x AR Invoice and 1x AR CM, even if the ‘Bill Separately’ option is not selected

No workaround currently available.

Task list not fully loading

13/02/24 - Under investigation - #CE00045165

On Projects (PM301000L) when adding tasks from templates the whole list won't appear on first load. It requires a refresh

Workaround - Click next page or refresh the screen. Then the entire task list displayed on the pop up window

Incorrect assignment end date warning

28/02/24 - Under investigation - #CE00045631

Project Task - Task Assignment (PM302000) - When amending the end date of an assignment a warning appears - End Date of the assignment not in the Start - End Date Period (Planned Start - Planned End Date Period). However date is within period 

Workaround – Ignore the warning and the user can carry on

Time cards recorded with incorrect time zone

07/03/24 - Fixed in CR11 - #CE00045865 

On Daily Time Card (MYPE3050), when it is released the time shifts to be recorded as UTC/GMT rather than local time.

Workaround - To prevent this issue, release the activity on the Daily Time Card screen or the Release Time Activities.

AR GST line showing in the prior period

15/04/24 - Fixed in CR11 - #CE00045629 

GST line showing in the prior period in AR document when Run project billing when all the other lines show transaction date.

Workaround – To prevent the issue, do not update the date on the WIP Allocation, only on the invoices screen. To fix historical documents, create a support request (include reference #CE00045629) for our support team to run a script.

'Is Tax Client' checkbox interface error

12/04/24 - Fixed in CR11 - #CE00043270

On Clients (AR303000), Tax Settings section. The check box for 'Is Tax Client' is clickable anywhere along the line. Should only be able to be clicked from the box itself.

No workaround currently available.

Incorrect parent Project WIP Write Off value

04/03/24 - Fixed in CR11 - #CE00045656

Project WIP Write Off from Parent project does not show write on/off value on WIP Allocation (MYPE3010).

No workaround currently available.

Calendar view not showing the customer

06/03/24 - Fixed in CR11 - #CE00045855

On Calendar view (MYPE4070), when editing an entry it no longer displays Customer. Project and Project Task are also now showing as ID numbers instead of CD

No workaround currently available.

Time card shows delegate's availability

15/3/24 - Fixed in CR11 - CE00046138

When delegate enters the Daily Time Card for the other employee the target time shows delegates availability time instead of the users.

No workaround currently available.

Error message when releasing an invoice

19/03/24 - Fixed in CR11 - #CE00046224

Invoices and Memos (AR301000) error while releasing an invoice. Error Message - "object reference not set to an instance of an object"

No workaround currently available.