Reducing the number of tenants and snapshots is important for optimal performance.
While it's often necessary to have a separate tenant to use for training, each extra tenant consumes resources such as CPU, memory and storage, and has an effect on overall performance.
Maintaining more tenants also increases your administrative overhead (i.e. maintenance tasks, updates and backups) and can lead to problems with consistency and visibility across tenants.
Where possible, we recommend you maintain a single tenant for all non-production use-cases, including training, testing, debugging and integration development.
Deleting tenants and snapshots
The Delete Snapshots and Tenants (SM503000) form is an easy tool to help you clean up excess snapshots (including orphaned snapshots) and tenants.
Always request a reindex after deleting tenants or snapshots
This process can leave behind fragmented data and orphaned records, which may also impact performance. While the MYOB Acumatica ISAM database is designed to handle these automatically, we recommend a manual reindex.
- Go to Delete Snapshots and Tenants (SM503000).
- Choose an option from the Action dropdown menu. The table is filtered to show the appropriate tenants or snapshots.
- In the table, select the tenants or snapshots you'd like to delete, then click Process.
- Contact the MYOB Acumatica support team to request a database reindex.