New company GL accounts list

This page is for MYOB Acumatica consultants

Check all changes in a test environment before taking them live. Make sure all related features still work as expected and that your data is unaffected.

This article is to run through the GL accounts which are used in the AU/NZ template database, where these accounts have been set up, and a description of the use of these GL accounts in their current form.
It's meant as a guide to help find and repurpose these GL accounts. We recommend you don't delete these accounts as it is likely to cause database issues. Instead of deleting them, change their ID - one of the useful features within MYOB Acumatica Business.

The table below reflects a snapshot of the default GL accounts.

 Account Account class Description Screen ID
11 CASHASSET Cash-In-Transit CA101000
12 AR Account Receivable AR201000
13 WAREHOUSE Inventory IN206000, IN204000
14 WAREHOUSE In-Transit IN101000
15 AP Accounts Payable AP201000, AP303000
16 OTHCURLIAB PO Accrual IN206000, CS211000, IN204000
17 WIP Work In-Progress IN101000
18 WAREHOUSE Standard Cost Variance IN206000, IN204000
19 FIXEDASSET FA Accrual FA101000
22 TAXESPAY GST Collected TX205000, AP303000
23 TAXESPAY GST Output Tax Adjustments  
24 TAXESPAY GST Paid TX205000, AP303000
25 TAXESPAY GST Input Tax Adjustments  
38 RETEARN Retained Earnings GL102000
39 NETINCOME YTD Net Income GL102000
40 SALES Sales IN206000, CS211000, IN204000, CS207500, EP202000, AR201000
42 SALES Cash Discount SO201000, EP202000, AR201000, AP201000, AP303000
50 COGS Cost of Goods Sold IN206000, CS211000, IN204000, PM201000, EP202000, AP201000
51 COGS Standard Cost Revaluation IN206000, IN204000
52 COGS Purchase Price Variance IN206000, IN204000
61 EXOTHER Rounding Gain/Loss GL102000, CM101000
62 EXOTHER Rounding Gain/Loss CM101000
63 EXOTHER Freight SO201000, PO101000, CS207500
64 OTHCURLIAB Landed Cost Accrual PO202000
65 COGS Landed Cost Variance IN206000, IN204000
66 EXOTHER Unrealised Gain/Loss  
67 EXOTHER Revaluation Gain/Loss