MYOB Acumatica Knowledge Base
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MYOB Acumatica Professional Services Edition
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MYOB Acumatica platform
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MYOB Acumatica Knowledge Base
Two-factor authentication (2FA)
Known issues
Sales and customer
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Payroll (NZ)
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Supply chain
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MYOB Acumatica Professional Services Edition
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Known issues
Field services
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MYOB Acumatica platform
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User access and licence allocation
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Payroll, workforce management, employee self service and onboarding
Creating a redundancy pay item (NZ)
Fixing a failed Pay Super batch (AU)
Error: Entity Not Found errors when syncing from MYOB Workforce Management
Configuration for Managers to see Employees' timesheets
Using pay groups to include an employee in a pay
Error: "'Country' cannot be empty" when applying employee profile
Set up Resident Withholding Tax (RWT) for suppliers and subcontractors
Setting up multiple email recipients for one customer
Set up Self-Managed Superfund (SMSF)(Australia)
Manage a returned super payment (AU)
Adding Workforce Management Employee ID (External Employee ID) to the Employees GI (EP2030PL)
Rehiring or reinstating employees (NZ)
Paying an employee with cash (AU and NZ)
Updating an employee's salary (AU and NZ)
Setting up an employee advance or loan
Showing hours and rates on payslips
Moving an employee to another reporting company (AU)
Setting up a deduction for a Ministry of Justice fine (NZ)
Error: "Missing data map(s)..." when importing timesheets (AU and NZ)
Changing the order of employee names to first name-last name
Creating a salary packaging pay item to use for a novated lease (AU)
Claim Employee Expenses with Corporate Cards
Error: "There was a problem in units conversion calculation for..." (AU and NZ)
Import scenario: Mass update TFN declaration to "Mark as Externally Submitted"
Adding a new employee
Import Scenario to import public holidays to Work Calendar
How superannuation payments creates general ledger entries – clearing house compared to direct payment
Fixing common pay run errors
Setting up long service leave
Features comparison for Field Service Technician, Employee and Employee Self Service Function People User License.
Creating an entitlement
Correcting a processed pay run
Time off in lieu
Creating a pay item
Creating a pay item to deduct Inland Revenue arrears (NZ)
Import Scenario to update Cash Account for Super Pay Details
Warning: "The Tax Code / IRD No. combination is not valid." in Pay Details (NZ)
Adjusting an employee's entitlement balance (AU and NZ)
Bulk Update Email Address used for Pay Slips with Import Scenario.
Change Payroll Clearing Subaccounts for Companies
Set up Long Service Leave Accrual with Hours as unit
Changing the email address payslips are sent from (AU and NZ)
Help with payroll
Help with employee self service
Getting ready for new payroll reports
Managing mandatory closedowns (NZ)
Error: "Sequence contains more than one element" when processing a pay
Error: "Superannuation Member ID missing" when processing a pay
Error: "GL Posting Class cannot be null" when creating a new pay run
No pop-up window when clicking the Termination button on Employee's Current Pay screen (MPPP3130)
Negative leave Accrual payment amount in the termination wizard (NZ)
Workforce management sync error: "502 Bad Gateway... The IRD Number you have provided is invalid" (NZ)
Payroll (NZ)
FBAPS leave rate lower than expected (NZ)
Known issues
No holidays start date for imported annual leave requests
Unable to add Payroll Contact Details - Error: Invalid Contact Email
Employee Details Return showing duplicate employees
Copying a tenant also copies the Workforce management integration API key.
Incorrect Rollover due to entitlement order
NZ Taxation Details showing instead of AU Taxation Details
Negative entitlement accrual value on rollover when exceeding Limit Total Accrual
Pay Summary Report on Open Pay Runs show zero dollar values for Super/KiwiSaver
Superannuation % showing incorrectly in ESS screen
Unable to access Leave Pay Run Details from Employee Work Schedule
Incorrect second Lump Sum accruals
Imported Leave does not reduce as expected
Incorrect limit on IRD deductions when current pay is changed
Employee information missing on Termination Wizard in Safari Web browser
Pre-Tax Deduction not calculating on Termination Payment
Incorrect working holiday maker tax withholding
Notional end date decreases when adding public holiday
Not all annual leave rates are date effective based on the start of continuous leave
Incorrect tax on one-off pays
Paygroup rate fields are not auto updated with Calendar change
Pre-Tax Deduction missing from payslip
Earnings not liable for ACC Earners' Levy not calculating on Employment Info Return
Incorrect proportioning to Termination Payment
Entitlement Accrual Pay Item Amount not updating standard pays
Unable to complete pay run due to - Error: Updating the ‘MPPayment’ record failed because data in the ‘BSBNumber’ field is too long'.
Terminated employees not showing in ED return
Average Weekly Earnings (AWE) not calculating correctly
Employee Work Schedule Import Clearing Work Schedule Values
Pay Activity Summary Data Showing Duplicate Employees
Generate Payments button is pointing to the wrong Pay Run
Incorrect rates causing underpaid annual leave (NZ)
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